Insomnia, Caregiving and Marijuana

Long-term insomnia

Have any of you ever had a long-term insomnia issue?  Mine started about 20 years ago.  We were living in Delray Beach, FL, and I had just turned 50ish.  And the insomnia wasn’t every night.  I found if I would just go downstairs and catch up on laundry or some other mindless busywork, I could successfully go back to bed and sleep.

Several years later, having no more success with just staying in bed and trying to fall asleep, I developed a chronic pain syndrome, called Lupus.  Initially, I was self- treating myself with over the counter meds, like Soy Isoflavinoids and Melatonin, Ibuprofin and Tylenol PM.  As soon as Lupus was diagnosed, I was given antidepressants (Amitriptyline) to help me sleep.  I recall the dose being increased over and over.  Everything helped at first.  Ahh, sleep…

But then, I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer.  Cancer made my OTC estrogen products unsafe, so I was back to heavy duty insomnia.  I have a high stress life, which I was previously able to handle with exercise and OTC Ibuprofen for my pain.   Having cancer gets us any prescription we need.  So, Xanax was added for stress.  And again, I could sleep.  For a while.

Fast forward 10 years or so.  The good stress of travelling and maturing and beating cancer was healthy.  The pain continued, joints were replaced, physical therapy helped me feel like I was dealing with life.  And then came the biggest challenge of my life, my daughters diagnosis of stage 4 breast cancer.   I became her caretaker when she did not want to know her prognosis.  I achieved sleep after researching/googling into the wee hours but that and Caregiving is not healthy for a mother.

This is National Caretaker Month.

If you are a caregiver, celebrate you! See your friends and enlist as many family members to help you with the care as is possible.  If your loved one can or will get out of his or her home, use those  opportunities to have lunch out or go shopping.  If your loved one or homebound client cannot get out, give us a call at Home Care One, (561) 272-1025.  We can come to you and we can possibly relieve you with one of our awesome caregivers.  You must stay strong.

My insomnia now is being managed with additional exercise, gardening, a great library of sleep meditations… and Medical Marijuana.  Sometimes I really can sleep now!

The Medical Marijuana Process

The process for Medical Marijuana therapy is to schedule an appointment  with a Medical Dr. who has been Marijuana certified by the State of Florida to examine you and prescribe for you.  Stress, anxiety, pain and even insomnia are all reasons the state accepts as permissible uses.  To find a Dr., just google and turn your location service button “on”.   You will meet with an M.D. who will certify you. After a few weeks you will receive a card in the mail and you can visit the dispensaries.

Medical Marijuana is not for everyone.  But if you are at your wits end trying to sleep, take care of your loved one and hold it all together, consider a little research!  When I go to sleep now, I can usually skip the Advil, several prescriptions and certainly I am managing my household better.  And the next day, I function.



Home Care One


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